Thank God It’s Monday
Make it a GREAT one
TGIM mood and attitude like TGIF
We decide on each moment how happy we are
Make amazing holy MOMENTS all day
How many Monday
What number of moments are possible
Open your eyes wide pay attention and be ready
STAY ready and know moments are everywhere
A conversation out of the blue
A new person at the gas station or store
Someone smiles at you and turns your day
A simple smile today is a winner
Miracles come from the smile
Say hello to people today
No worries mate
Bless someone today
Pray for those around you
Say out loud, “Thy Kingdom Come.” – TKC
I want to try and say it 1000X today
Calling down Heaven to Earth
The ultimate prayer request
Join all of us at 3:16 today
Everyone pauses everything at 3:16
Simply Breathe deep at 3:16
“Let US BEgin.” Mother Teresa