Top of an amazing opportunity To us.
Setting the tone.
ThankFULL Thursday is now.
All day we can count every single blessing
Saying thank you Jesus out loud
How many times can we do it today
Gratitude shapes an amazing attitude to win
In this day and life
We have everything and we can share
We must realize our blessing
We are here for an exact purpose
To serve
To give.
To love
To encourage
We get to practice the GREAT command today
If we so choose
Don’t put it off another moment
Love God Love People
It’s THE way the ONLY way.
We can because we MUST
The world around us needs love SWEET love
We are the ones that must show it
We are up for it
We no longer worry we pray instead
Thank you for showing up TODAY
We step up
We never give up
“Let us BEgin.” Mother Teresa drop