ThankFULL Thursday
Counting our blessings one by one
As my eyes open I’m thankful I can see
I’m blessed with breathing and heart beating
I’m in a home
I can walk and talk
I have amazing support in my life
Jesus thank You
Thank you for your goodness
Thank you for you kindness.
Thank you for all the things you do.
Jesus thank you.
Keep it so simple today.
An attitude of gratitude and find joy
More than enough to the point of overflow
We can spill over into others
Drink from the saucer mentality
How can I be an encourager
Who can I help or lift up
What difference can I make in the moment
We can smile often today
Maybe tell a great story of what God did
Tell someone you love them
Pray for everyone and everything
We are family
We are united as people
Shalom Shalom be with you today
Enjoy the day