Fill the tank Friday
When you are full you are available
Only you know where you are emotionally
Let go and Let God fill your soul today
In Faith we can relax and be in total peace
It requires absolute trust that God can
That God loves you and me and He will provide
All things work for His good
We can choose fearless today
That’s a life of perfect peace
No worries mate
Flying so high above all the noise of the day
Look for God in the moments today
Who are you crossing paths with
What person will He put in your thoughts to call
A simple text can make your entire day
HopeFULL Friday
Filled with excitement and joy and happy
Let’s be sweet today to everyone
A compliment goes so far
Let’s laugh a lot today and help others as well
Get the door
Offer to pay for someone’s order
Simply smile and show the love all day
They will know us by our love.
Above all else, LOVE!
Let us begin.