Fill the tank Friday

Let go and Let God What an opportunity my friends. Look for the moments today. Faith is the key. Trusting God to lead you. His ways are not ours. His ways are HIGHER. He has a plan a perfect plan. Fly above the noise today. Free. Let US BEgin.

ThankFULL Thursday

Easy theme of thankfulness today. We celebrate our little Dolly She’s 11 I am so very thankful for Dolly her soul and life Since Day 1 she has been a heart of Gold She sees life differently and with all heart God bless Dolly today and thank you for her We all walk in total […]

Fill the tank Friday

We are HERE. Fill the tank Friday Full ON Friday Walk in absolute solid Faith Friday fearLESS Friday We are Family Friday We are Best walking together in love and peace Flying so high above the noise Friday Freaking awesome Friday Having SO MUCH fun Friday Forgiving everyone as fast as we can Friday OverFLOWing […]

thankFULL thursday

ThankFULL Thursday my friend. Count it ALL joy. Let the joy of the Lord be our strength. Look at the blessings in your life today. Let’s only see the good in our day today. Pathos very close attention to all you have. Gratitude makes for an amazing attitude. God loves a thankful and cheerful heart. […]

Breathe in the rare air

Breathe in the rare air. It’s quiet. It’s still. There’s no demand on you. Sit in the presence of God and listen. It’s such powerful time. Setting the tone for the entire day. Fill yourself to overflow. Gratitude shapes the attitude More than enough so we give out of that. Counting our blessings today Out […]

National Day of Prayer

Living your WILDEST dream. God can do ANYTHING! Far more than we can think dream or imagine. Even in our WILDEST dreams. What would life be like in that mindset No worries mate (Aussie accent) pray instead Truly living in a constant state of no worries Don’t worry be happy whistling vibes. Truly letting God […]